Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fingering tips

Ok, guys, we know you don´t pay as much attention to your hands as we girls do, especially when it comes to the nails. I even know a few guys who actually give a damn about it : they clean, sand, even polish their nails. Never got to date any of them, though. Actually my ex used to bite his nails and that always made me crazy, for his fingertips were always rough and sometimes with some pointed corners that sure aren´t fun when it touches some very delicate and sensitive areas. Besides, that tiny, bitten, helmet-like nails sure don´t look sexy.

So, we appreciate if you take a good look at your hands and take a moment to considerate if they deserve to be laid anywhere before you try to get them into anyone you´re getting laid with.

That´s what one would call "sign language".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yeah,and don´t forget to sing it before you do it...I heard it brings bad luck! ;)


Go ahead and show me what you´ve got..!